Judy Reeves author of "A Writer's Book of Days" was the presenter. Her message was essentially if you are a writer, then write! Easier said than done, right? But then she went on to simplify it even more. You don't have to write to be published, you don't have to write to be read, if you're a writer you need to write simply to write. That inner expression is what makes a writer happy, and if no one ever reads it, you've satisfied your creative urge just by doing the practice. I've thought this so often; I need to just make myself sit down and write, but the computer is my foe. I'll be distracted by Facebook, or who knows what else. Judy's answer to this, don't use a computer. The art of writing is so much more that just selecting the next word, you should "write with your whole body", hand to paper thought flowing and just let it happen. When we first sat down she asked us to write down a concrete fact that we had noticed that morning something that grabbed our senses. My fact was "The ceanothus outside Peet's was extra indigo this morning." This is something that only I would notice, I'm especially obsessive about these beautiful plants. After a bit Judy asked us to take the tips that she had given to us and use our sentence as a jumping off point, to put pen to paper and just write, this is what the next 7 minutes became:
The color of San Diego is blue. Blue clean crisp skies; deep blue oceans, rarely marred by a graying day, but more than anything, the blue of a ceanothus. Bright blue against a green sagebrush canvas. Each as individual as a snowflake. Some barely leaving the world of gray-scale. Some, robins egg, touching its closest neighbor a deep cerulean blue. Their honeyed fragrance reaching out to the birds and the bees, it is spring after all, finding its way above the salty sea air, the earthy sage and musky sumac. These are the smells that have transgressed ages, same for those first men and women grinding acorns on granite boulders. But most amazing of all, the most striking, is that deep indigo cone on the rarest California Lilac.
That was the end of the 7 minutes, I really wish there had been more time, I was just beginning to get immersed in it when the timer went off. So this is my goal to myself, my new "Tiny Habit", I will find 10 minutes a day to write, just for myself, anything, with no story or framework in mind, just for the satisfaction it gives me. I hope that it will grow into something more, but if it doesn't at least I'll have that 10 minutes each day.